What Work From Home Jobs Are There?

There are many different options for work from home jobs. It can be hard to know where to start looking, but this list will help you get started. There are both online and offline options, so you can find something that fits your needs. You may even decide to start your own business! Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that you enjoy doing. That way, you’ll be more successful and happier with your work-from-home job.

Consider the way the working world has changed. Almost all jobs that were once performed on-site at the office can now be done from home. If one company has decided against the WFH model that does not mean that all companies are doing the same. Shop around and you are bound to find a position that ticks the boxes.

One thing we at WFHWOLF recommend is to start as you mean to continue and try to build a strong basis for your future career. Try to recognize what work from home jobs are suitable for your personality. Try to identify those that can also support you in the lifestyle of your choosing.

For example, paid surveys are not worth your time and effort. Instead, try to think of jobs that will allow you to bring your skill set to the table. Also, keep in mind where your strengths lie.

And if you don’t have the necessary skillset just yet, then focus on finding a job you can do, and use your spare time to build that skillset.

Below is a list of working from home ideas that you can use to help make your dream a reality!

1. Freelancer

One of the most popular work-from-home jobs is freelancing. Freelancers are self-employed workers who offer their services to clients. This can include writing, designing, translating, marketing, accounting, and more. There are many websites that help freelancers find clients quickly. Be sure to have a portfolio so your clients can see your work.

2. Blogger

Blogging is a great way to work from home. All you need is a computer and an internet connection! There are many different types of blogs, including fashion, beauty, cooking, and lifestyle. Blogging can be a great way to share your thoughts and opinions with the world. You can also make money from your blog by displaying ads or selling products. Who would have thought?

3. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a worker who provides services to clients online. This can include administrative tasks, marketing, customer service and more. As a virtual assistant, you may work from home or travel to the client’s location. Pay rates vary with each job and can be anywhere between $10-$35 per hour!

4. Content Writer

If you have a love of writing, content writing may be the perfect job for you. In this role, you will write articles and blog posts for clients. You may also write advertising copy for websites, press releases and social media posts. As a content writer, you report to the client and ensure you are meeting their brief.

5. Social Media Manager

Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and express yourself. As a social media manager, you will be in charge of managing the social media accounts for a company or individual. This includes creating content, responding to comments and engaging with followers. Have a look on some recruitment websites and see if there are any positions like this available.

6. Web Developer

Okay if you are not technical then you may be thinking this is not for you. Maybe you are right but either way you’re going to need to have a strong foundation. It may seem like a lot to chew on but think of it like this: everyone has to start somewhere. Take it from me, many web developers will readily admint that they don’t know everything and much of their time is spent looking for solutions. If you like puzzles, then maybe this is for you.

Web developers are workers who design and build websites. As a web developer, you will be responsible for creating templates for clients to use on their website, coding pages and adding features. You may also be required to do some graphic design work.

7. Online Tutor

‘Bart’s a tutor now, toot on son’, so says Homer Simpson. But seriously, being a tutor is an excellent way to make a living while working from home. What skillset do you have that you can share with others? Are there any topics that you are the expert on? They could be esoteric and not the obvious subjects. Are you good at gardening? Why not put together a series of videos to help others who want to improve their gardening skills. Put these videos together and package them as a course and now you are starting to build something sustainable.

8. Graphic Designer

If you have an eye for design, then graphic design may be the perfect work from home job for you. As a graphic designer, you will be responsible for creating graphics and logos for clients. You may also be asked to create advertising materials, such as flyers, posters and brochures.

9. Customer Service Representative

If you are a people person, then working as a customer service representative may be the perfect wfh job for you. As a customer service representative, you will be responsible for answering questions and solving problems from customers. You will also provide feedback to the management team about your performance.

10. Administrative Assistant

An administrative assistant provides clerical support to an organization. This may include answering phones, handling mail, organising meetings and more. As an administrative assistant, you will report to the management team and ensure that day-to-day operations are running smoothly.

What Next?

These are just some ideas to help you get started. Some things to keep in mind as you start your search

  • Find what you’re good at and enjoy doing
  • If you don’t have a skill, learn! There are courses and opportunities to be had everywhere – online courses are a great way to study at your pace.
  • WFH jobs are out there, you just have to find them.